Damascus MD
Uechi-Ryu is a traditional Okinawan style of karate which traces it's roots to southern China. Many early martial arts practitioners imitated the ferocity and fighting motions of various animals. The Uechi style is an amalgamation of tiger, dragon, and crane styles. The mythical dragon supplies the ferocity, the tiger brings stealth, speed, and power, all while maintaining the grace and balance of the crane. Classes are taught in traditional Okinawan style and are intended to encourage the mental, physical, and spiritual development of the individual.
Classes are taught by Robert Eisenberg (5th degree black belt) in the upper Montgomery County Maryland town of Damascus. Please email me at rjeisenberg@comcast.net or call me at 301-325-3801 for details and the training schedule.
Robert Eisenbeg rjeisenberg@comcast.net
9930 Main Street, Damascus, Maryland 20872, United States