Robert Eisenberg began his study of karate in 1984 at the University of Virginia Uechi-Ryu club. Shortly thereafter he became a student of Sensei Marty Dow, who had been a student of Seiyu Shinjo’s in Okinawa. Mr. Eisenberg tested for Shodan (1st degree black belt) in 1986, and currently holds the rank of Godan (5th degree black belt) with Shihan instructor certification.
Sensei Eisenberg began teaching karate in 1991, after Sensei Dow retired from active teaching. In 1998, Mr. Eisenberg became a student of Sensei James Foley of St. Louis Missouri. Additional information on Sensei Foley can be found on the Kenyukai page.
For many years the Damascus Maryland dojo resided in Sensei Eisenberg’s home. This format provided students with instruction in this traditional Okinawan martial art in a small group format that afforded students very personalized attention. Still able to retain that small format structure, Sensei Eisenberg now teaches classes at Fitness1440 in Damascus, MD (